Monday, April 07, 2008

Drifting in stagnation...

I see an ocean,
An ocean of blue.
Think I'm in it,
Yes I'm in it,
Not swimming, not sinking.

My eyes open,
My heart flutters,
My stomach sinks.
This is not home,
This is not me.

I splash, and I lash.
The blue prevails,
The sand eludes,
I find myself as I was,
Not swimming, not sinking,
Just drifting in stagnation.


Parag said...

"applause"...superb dude!

for the un-initiated...we were chatting, and he said "drifitng in stagnation"...cant believe he came up with these lines few minutes after that!

Harsha Kumar said...

It's a very simple straight forward poetry.. And yet, when you read the last verse it makes you think..

For me, sometimes, I think that's what everyone's doing.. Splashing and Lashing.. In a place where you probably know you don't belong.. It doesn't really help. You stay there, in the same state.. Unless the currents take you to another state.. But to me it's more about Acceptance and finding peace in the present state than about "stagnating" in it..

balpeck said...

I guess what you say applies in some contexts and I agree with thee in those.

The context that these lines came around in, has been about my research going pretty much nowhere in the past two semesters and me not noticing much academic growth or value in a while.