Thursday, May 15, 2008

Its Mid-May!

This is what is looks like in my backyard now. This is Phoenix, Arizona. Its not often that you get to see anything other than the clear blue sky. So when you see clouds as dark as these, it just seems so unearthly!! Its refreshing nevertheless. Something is royally screwed though. Day before, Flagstaff got 8 inches of snow. And two days after it rains here. This is mid May in Arizona, people!! .. Ah there I can see Al Gore - grinning, saying told you so!

1 comment:

cath said...

It's true - something is changing - I grew up here and I remember daily thunderstorms during the summer monsoons - how crazy is it that it was 110 and then in the 60s a few days later. The most challenging part for me is the high lows a night - ugh - somehow we have to figure out how to break up the urban heat island that we have created.

nice - your comment about Gore.